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You are eligible to apply as a priority applicant if you meet one of options A, B, C or D.

A. You are currently working in Manitoba as a temporary foreign worker with a valid temporary work permit and have been working for at least six months.

B. As an International Student you graduated from a publicly funded Manitoba post-secondary institution in at least a one-year program for which you received a certificate, diploma or degree, you have an offer of a long-term, full-time job from a Manitoba employer and have been working in that job at least six months with a valid post-graduation work permit.

C. You have been invited to apply under a Strategic Initiative.

D. You have a strong connection to Manitoba through having family who live in the province, and you meet the following five factors.

If You are between 21 and 49 years old.
People in this age range can manage the cultural, linguistic and economic challenges involved in moving to work in a new country, involving the possible need to retrain or pass rigorous certification or licensing processes for some jobs.

You completed secondary (high) school and have at least one year post-secondary education or training for which you earned a post-secondary diploma or degree.

Work Experience 
You have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years.

Language Ability
You completed your secondary and post-secondary education in English or French, or scored at least 5 on an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test. Having at least this level of English, and being willing to improve your language skills, will help you gain a good job, participate in training and licensing or certification programs that will help you meet the occupational demands and get ahead in the Manitoba workplace.

With your application you must submit a Settlement Plan that explains the steps you will take to establish your career and your home in Manitoba and have your plan endorsed by a close relative who has lived in Manitoba as a permanent resident for at least one year.



apply as a priority applicant is through the Provincial Nominee Program for Business


To qualify for the program interested applicants must have:

  • Minimum verifiable personal net worth of CDN$350,000
  • Demonstrated business or farm ownership experience or a minimum of 3 years experiences in a senior management role of a successful company

The applicant must also be prepared to:

  • Perform an Exploratory Visit to Manitoba to be able to provide documented assessment of business opportunities in Manitoba and general knowledge of the province.
    Make an Eligible Business Investment in Manitoba
  • Reside in Manitoba along with their dependent family members


Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

Note: The planned changes, including the January start date, will be postponed in order for government to continue conversations with affected stakeholders. However, the goal remains the same – to better position foreign workers in Alberta for long-term success under standards that will meet the federal government’s requirements. Further updates will be announced in the new year. Prospective applicants can continue to apply under the existing streams into the New Year.

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is an economic immigration program operated by the Government of Alberta with the Government of Canada’s department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It supports Alberta’s economic growth by attracting and retaining work-ready people to the province.


How does it work?

Individuals nominated by the Government of Alberta, together with their spouse/common-law partner and dependent children, can apply for permanent residence through IRCC as a provincial nominee. IRCC makes final decisions on all permanent resident applications.

The AINP offers options for both skilled and semi-skilled workers. You may be able to apply on your own, or with your employer. Review the streams and categories below and choose the best option for you. Also review who is not eligible.

AINP nominations will not be issued for the purpose of obtaining temporary work permit extensions.


You must maintain a valid work permit throughout the AINP application and assessment process. Only applicants under the Strategic Recruitment Stream Engineering Occupations Category are exempt from this requirement. At the time of assessment, you must provide the AINP with a valid work permit or implied status based on either:

  • a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or
  • a LMIA exemption as determined by IRCC
  • Some LMIA exemptions from IRCC are not eligible under the AINP. The AINP will not consider the following exemptions:
  • international students studying in Canada, including students doing co-op work placements or internships as part of their study program
  • people doing charitable or religious work
  • people who need to support themselves while they are in Canada, such as those waiting on a refugee claim

In addition, you must meet all criteria for the category under which you applied. 

Application requirements differ depending on the stream and category. Read more about each available stream and category below.

AINP Streams and Categories Accepting Applications



Who is not eligible?

The following are not eligible to apply to the AINP:

  • Clergy, Elementary and Secondary School Teachers, Professional Athletes and Dental Laboratory Bench Workers
  • Refugee claimants, or individuals involved in a federal appeal or removal process. It is not the mandate of the AINP to intervene in the federal refugee claim, appeal or removal process.
  • Live-in Caregivers currently living in Canada
  • Temporary Foreign Workers working and residing in a province other than Alberta
  • International students studying in Canada, including students doing co-op work placements or internships as part of their study program.

New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) 


NBPNP is a provincial immigration program made possible through an agreement with the Government of Canada. As an economic program, the NBPNP selects, and nominates, qualified business people and skilled workers from around the world who will live in New Brunswick and contribute to the local economy. 

Like many other Canadian provinces and territories, New Brunswick has its own immigration program streams, targeting certain groups, and eligibility criteria. Some streams target entrepreneurs, graduates, skilled workers with employer support, skilled workers with family support, etc. Eligibility criteria vary and can be found in  Program guides along with application forms.

The Express Entry New Brunswick Labour Market Stream is new to the NBPNP. Potential applicants are asked to complete an expression of interest and submit it to the NBPNP. Details are provided on the NBPNP Express Entry page.

Please note that New Brunswick is only accepting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the PNP Express Entry Labour Market Stream from individuals currently employed in New Brunswick and from potential applicants who demonstrate French as a first language, proven by a Test d’évaluation de français (TEF), and with experience in the occupations below:

v  Information systems analysts and consultants (2171)

v  Computer network technician (2281)

v  Software engineers and designers (2173)

v  Database analysts and data administrators (2172)

v  Computer programmers and interactive media developers (2174)

v  Cooks (6322)

v  Restaurant and food service managers (0631)

v  Accounting technicians and bookkeepers (1311)

v  Managers in health care (0311)

v  Retail sales supervisors (6211)




Immigration Program Officers review applications based on eligibility requirements and selection factors. You must meet eligibility requirements. You should also be aware that meeting the eligibility requirements does not guarantee nomination. Priority will be given to applicants who have the greatest potential to become economically established in New Brunswick. To determine if you meet the requirements of the Program, carefully review the information in the relevant Program Guide located on the right hand side box of this page, before submitting your application.


The Nova Scotia Nominee Program streams are open to qualified skilled workers and other immigrants who meet country demands.

Skilled Worker

For skilled workers who have a full-time job offer from a Nova Scotia employer

International Graduate

For international graduates who have a full-time job offer from a Nova Scotia employer and have been working for the employer for at least three months.


Community Identified

For individuals who have significant employment fortunes, have a strong link to a specific Nova Scotia community and have received a Letter of Identification from an Office of Immigration mandated organization.


Family Business Worker

For workers who have received a full-time job offer from a Nova Scotia business owned by a close family.

The worker or the spouse must be related to the family business owner or spouse of the business owner in one of the following ways. The worker is the business owner’s (or a step or half-relative of the same degree):

  • child
  • Brother or sister
  • Niece or nephew (children of brothers or sisters)
  • Uncle or aunt (parent’s brothers or sisters)
  • Grandchild


Non-Dependent Child of Nova Scotia Nominee

For individuals who are non-dependent adult children of Nova Scotia nominees who wish to enter the labor market and contribute to the economy of the province.

Parents / nominees need to meet all the following criteria in order for their non-dependent child to be eligible to apply under the Non-Dependent Child of Nova Scotia Nominee stream.

1.      You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada

2.      You have been nominated under the Nova Scotia Nominee Program

3.      You are the parent of a child who was named in your original application to the Nova Scotia Nominee Program on the IMM 0008 Generic – Application for Permanent Residence in Canada form or on the IMM 5406 – Additional Family Information form.

4.      You have established a family residence in Nova Scotia within six (6) months of inheriting permanent resident status in Canada, and you have remained a resident of this province.

5.      For newly arrived immigrants, you have been a resident of Nova Scotia for at least three (3) consecutive months immediately before this application is submitted and are still residing in Nova Scotia at the time of the submission of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program application for the non-dependent child.

6.      You remain a resident of Nova Scotia throughout the application process and are still a resident of this province when your child arrives in Nova Scotia with permanent resident status.


Agri-Food Sector

For immigrants who plan to establish a business in Nova Scotia in the agriculture sector for primary and/or value added production 

In this section the nominee must:


  • The applicant needs to have a minimum of three years’ experience in the past five years in farm ownership, farm management and practical farming experience with skills relevant to Nova Scotia farming conditions.
  • You, the applicant, must plan to establish a farm, purchase a farm or become partner in an existing farm business. If investing in an existing farm business, you must control at least 33.33% and take an active part in the operation of the business.
  • You will be required to demonstrate that you have a minimum personal net worth of $150,000 (after relocation in Nova Scotia – before the farm is purchased).
  • You will also be required to make a minimum investment of $100,000 in a new or existing farming operation in capital assets (land, machinery) or working capital.
  • You will submit a detailed agri-business plan with your application form
  • A qualifying farming business must demonstrate a minimum annual income of $10,000 CAD. 
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Ms. Nooshin Djavanshir Haidari is a good standing member of the Immigration consultants of Canada regularity console, (ICCRC) R409895 , ICCRC