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since January 2nd, 2014, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be able to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada through one of two programs: Family Class sponsorship and the Super Visa program.

Permanent Residency Sponsorship

The Family Class sponsorship program includes a stream for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The program is scheduled to re-open on January 2nd, 2014, at which time Canada will begin accepting 5,000 parent and grandparent sponsorship applications for review.

Parents and grandparents who are succeed under this program will receive Canadian Permanent Residency and be able to apply for Canadian Citizenship three years after that. To be eligible for Family Class sponsorship, the sponsor in Canada must meet the following requirements:

Be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident; Be 18 years of age or older; Exceed the minimum essential income level for this program. If married or in a common-law relationship, the income of both can be included; The sponsor must sign an undertaking to repay any provincial social assistance benefits paid to the sponsor and accompanying family member(s), if any, for a period of 20 year, if necessary; and If the sponsor resides in Quebec, an additional 'undertaking' must be signed

Sponsors will have to prove that they meet the minimum income requirements by submitting notices of assessment issued by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) in support of their sponsorship and they must also demonstrate they have met the minimum necessary income level for three consecutive years.

Super Visa Program

The Super Visa Program allows parents and grandparents to come to Canada as long-term visitors. Successful applicants receive multiple-entry visitor visas that may last for up to 10 years. Unlike standard visitor visas, which must be renewed every six months, a Super Visa remains valid for two years at a time.

To be eligible for the Super Visa program, parents and grandparents must meet standard visitor visa requirements. In addition, they must:

Provide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada; Sponsor in Canada must meet minimum income requirements; Must prove they have purchased Canadian health insurance for at least one year; and Complete an immigration medical examination

Depending on the nationality, parents/grandparents may require a Temporary Resident Visa in addition to the Super Visa.


The Spousal Sponsorship program is a subsection of the Family Class immigration category. Under this program, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident may sponsor a spouse or common-law partner for Canadian Permanent Residency.

Both the Canadian citizen or permanent resident (also called the 'sponsor') and the foreign national (the 'sponsored person') must be approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) in order for the sponsored person to receive a visa.

In order to receive a visa through this immigration program, the sponsor and sponsored person must prove that their relationship qualifies under one of three categories:

Spouse Common-law Partner Conjugal Partner

NOTE: Canada recognizes same-sex marriage, and same-sex partners may be eligible to apply under any of the above three categories, provided they meet all eligibility requirements.

After Sponsorship

Permanent Residency granted under the Spousal Sponsorship program comes with some conditions.

The sponsor is financially responsible for the person sponsored for 3 years after the sponsored person becomes a permanent resident.

Individuals who come to Canada as spouses are banned from sponsoring a spouse in turn for 5 years after receiving Canadian Permanent Residency.

A two-year "legitimate relationship" regulation applies to spouses/partners who have been in a relationship for two years or less and who have no children in common with their sponsor at the time of application submission. Once in Canada, the sponsored person must live with their spouse/partner in a 'legitimate relationship' for two years, or face the possibility of having their Permanent Residency revoked. Exceptions will be made for sponsored spouses or partners who are suffering from abuse or neglect.

Federal Self Employed Program

To qualify as a self-employed person, an individual must want and able to support him/herself and any dependents with self-employed income as a farmer, athlete, or artisan.

Quebec Self Employed Program

To qualify as a Self-Employed person, an individual must have a net worth of at least CAD$100,000, and must have work experience in the profession or trade that they intend to practice in Quebec.

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Federal Entrepreneur Immigration 

To qualify as an entrepreneur, an individual with a net worth of at least CAD$300,000 and be willing and able to establish, invest in or gain a business in Canada which will create or maintain employment in Canada.

Quebec Entrepreneur Immigration

To qualify as an Entrepreneur, an individual must have a net worth of at least CAD$300,000, have management experience in a business that they either owned or controlled, and be willing and able to establish or gain a business in Quebec which will create at least one incremental job in Quebec.

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Ms. Nooshin Djavanshir Haidari is a good standing member of the Immigration consultants of Canada regularity console, (ICCRC) R409895 , ICCRC