On October 24, 2017, the age limit for dependents changed from “under 19” to “under 22.”
The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for people who want to become permanent residents based on being qualified in a skilled trade.
Minimum requirements
To be eligible, you must:
Skilled work experience
Skilled Trades currently eligible for the Federal Skilled Trades Program are organized under these major and minor groups of the NOC:
These major NOC groups are subdivided into different occupations. (All are NOC skill type B.)
You must show that you did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.
Federal Skilled Trades Program applications must be made based on the 2016 version of the NOC
There is no education requirement for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. But, if you want to earn points for your education under Express Entry, you either need:
Language ability
You must:
Your test results must not be more than two years old on the day you apply for permanent residence.
Principal applicant
If you are married or live with a common-law partner who also meets the above conditions, you can decide which one of you will apply under Express Entry as the principal (main) applicant.
A common-law partner is a person who has lived with you in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. Common-law partner refers to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples.
Check to see which one of you is most likely to be found eligible. That person should apply as the principal applicant.
Other requirements
Be assessed by the province or territory
You will likely have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. You may also need an employer in Canada to give you experience and training.
You should go to the website of the body that governs trades for the province/territory where you would like to live and work. The process is different depending on where you want to go.
Each website has more details about whether you need a certificate of qualification to work in that province or territory in a specific skilled trade, and what you have to do to get one.